Friday, September 21, 2007

Cross your fingers...

Well, we finally did it. Tonight is the first night Ashlyn is sleeping in a regular bed. Her crib is one of those convertible jobbies, so we converted it after work tonight and re-arranged her room quite a bit. So far, so good. Cross your fingers...


Mel said...

Good luck Ashlyn! I was worried about my boys leaving their rooms when we put them in regular beds...I ended up putting gates in their doorways...worked for Gary, but Brendan was a gate climber. Grr....

Let us know how she takes to the transition!

Chad said...

We are doing the same thing -- putting a gate in her doorway. Luckily, she's not a climber like your little guy - lol.

It's been going well so far. We've really been playing it up and preparing Ashlyn for the change over the last couple of weeks, and it seems to have worked. Cindy changed the decorations in her room to match her new sheets, so it's all a Winnie the Pooh theme now. Ashlyn was really excited about it.

She only fell out of bed once the first night (no crying!), but hasn't fallen again since. She's doing great, and we're quite proud of her. :)