Monday, April 30, 2007

Web browsing frustrations

After many frustrations with Internet Explorer 7, I decided to give Firefox 2 a try. Yes, I know -- slightly behind the times again. My main complaint is that IE 7 would tend to hang on page load quite often, and once it did so, any subsequent browsing (even in a new tab) would also hang indefinitely. Only a completely new instance of IE would remedy the problem. I'm thinking it may have something to do with the corporate network and/or proxy server, as the problem seems to only occur at work. The irony of the situation is that IE is required to use the corporate intranet site -- Firefox is not "approved." So it looks like IE will still get some use, albeit begrudgingly.

One week into my trial, I must say that Firefox is performing quite well for me. Page loads seem to be generally faster, and I haven't experienced any of the annoying hangs that I was getting with IE 7. I switched to IE some years ago after wanting to try something other than Netscape Navigator, but it's looking more and more like Firefox will be my browser of choice from now on.


Mel said...

I'm starting to get rather pissed with Firefox lately. It freezes mid-load, or even if I'm not doing anything at all, almost once a day. Maybe my computer needs an update, or perhaps I need a new computer altogether?? It's easier to blame Firefox. Jerry's been trying to get me to switch to Safari for quite awhile now, but all of my bookmarks are in Firefox. That would take effort to switch them over...I'm pretty lazy.

Chad said...

That's're having the exact same problem with Firefox that I had with IE 7, lol. What version of Firefox are you using? I'm using Firefox 2.0, and haven't had it hang indefinitely yet.

As far as switching bookmarks over, Firefox imported my IE 7 bookmarks automatically with a click of a button during install. Perhaps Safari offers similar functionality???

Mel said...

Ah....I have 1.0 Perhaps they've fixed any bugs that are causing me problems (again, it could be that I have have an older iMac-700MHz G4).

I already have Safari on my computer, but maybe I can play with it or read up a little and try to find an easier way to import my bookmarks. I'm not as familiar with them thar 'puters like Jerry is.

Mel said...

Heh...last night I was trying to show Jerry "The Landlord" on the interweb, and even with all other programs off my poor computer was overloaded and the clip was choppy. Even Jerry said I needed a faster machine. So it's probably my computer, not Firefox.