Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Simulation Remake -- Update

Well, I've finished the PHP stats script. Yay!

Here's a video of the final version:

It still just grabs one team's stats at a time. I thought about trying to automate the gathering of an entire conference at a time, but decided against it. Due to the uncertainties of the (sometimes) unreliable internet, there really needs to be user confirmation of the stats along the way so garbage doesn't get inserted into the database. Screen scraping for information is not always 100% reliable, unfortunately.

It was a bit of a learning process -- dependent form elements, passing arrays between forms, etc., but I finally got it figured out. And I learned a few tricks on the way.

It's definitely not optimized, and probably a little slow, frankly. I'm sure if an experienced programmer looked at my code, they'd probably cringe or roll on the floor laughing (or maybe both). But you know what...it works, and that's all I care about. All-in-all, I like the way it turned out.

Now...on to the database connectivity inside the executable! Oh joy!

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