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Thoughts, reflections, and rants of the intermittent persuasion.
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Posted by
6/05/2008 04:36:00 PM
Category: The Interweb
Erma K. Meyer
October 29, 1919 - April 12, 2008
MONTICELLO - Erma Meyer, 88, of Monticello, died Saturday morning, April 12, 2008, in the Monticello Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, following a brief illness. Services: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Peace United Church of Christ, Monticello, with the Rev. Peter Wenzel officiating. Interment: Oakwood Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Goettsch Funeral Home, Monticello.I'll miss you Grandma.
Thoughts, memories and condolences may be left at
Surviving are two children, Bill (Linda) Meyer of Monticello, and Lila (John) Hancock of Shellsburg; two daughters-in-law, Janet Meyer of Monticello and Lois Meyer of Murphy, Okla.; 12 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Clarence; two sons, Ronald and Clarence Jr.; two sisters, Edna Grace and Bess; and two brothers, Oscar and Vernon.
Erma Kathleen Lee was born Oct. 29, 1919, in Wick, Iowa. She was the daughter of Oscar and Ruth Cox Lee.
Erma married Clarence Meyer on May 15, 1937, at Galena, Ill. Erma worked at the Reliance Shirt Factory in Anamosa and the Button Factory and Hoag Duster in Monticello. She retired from the John McDonald Hospital in 1979, where she worked for many years. Clarence preceded her in death on July 29, 1973. Erma had been a resident at the care center since December 2007.
The family would like to thank Above and Beyond Hospice and the staff at the Monticello Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for their dedication and wonderful care.
Posted by
4/17/2008 10:36:00 PM
Category: Family
Well, unfortunately I didn't get a chance to add the database backend to my simulation program. I got caught up in a couple other web programming projects for a friend's internet radio station. I guess there's always next year...
...but wait! Against all odds (and sensibility), I decided to simulate the tournament anyway -- entering all the stats into the source code by hand. Well, not completely by hand. That would just be plain old nuts. I created an Excel spreadsheet to help me format the lines of code (arrays) properly. It's still waaay labor intensive, hence I've only simulated the first round so far.
So how is my program doing? Not so hot it turns out.
At the end of the first round, it's predicted 17 out of the 32 games correctly -- just barely over 50%. Basically no better than random chance. Ouch.
Keep in mind these simulations are based purely on box score statistics, which can be deceiving. Box score stats don't take into account a lot of factors, not the least of which is the level of competition the team has faced to achieve those stats. In general, teams in weaker conferences may tend to have their stats "over-valued" or artificially inflated in comparison to teams that have played stronger competition throughout the year. This is obviously a fundamental limitation of my program that I've been putting a lot of thought into trying to remedy recently. Not an easy task. There are other limitations, and even some known flaws in the code that need to be fixed, so I wasn't expecting a whole lot anyway. I was just curious to see how it would do in its current state.
I'm not going to post the predicted scores of each game, because it's pretty pointless with the known issues (ahem, bugs). Instead, I'll post predicted winning percentages, which is probably still somewhat pointless, but hides the known issues a little better. ;)
Yellow Highlight: Outcome predicted correctly
Red Text: Outcome not predicted correctly
Percentage in parenthesis is predicted winning percentage
1000 games simulated per matchup
So, as you can see...not so hot. Definitely room for improvement.
As I said before, I'm doing this semi-manually, so it's taking a good amount of time. I don't have anything beyond the first round simulated yet, and will be gone this weekend for Easter. I'm hoping to get the rest of the tournament simulated before the Sweet 16 games start next week.
I can't wait to see who this program picks to win it all...could be interesting. :P
Stay tuned!
Posted by
3/21/2008 10:44:00 PM
Category: Programming
I'm just going to straight plagiarize this from Cindy, since she can explain this stuff better than I ever could:
here's the latest....
we brought charlie home yesterday from isu hospital.
his surgery went went well. they completely removed
the meniscus and did a tibial plateau leveling osteotomy.
in layman's terms, they basically cut the top of his
shin bone in half, then move it upward to meet the
thigh bone (in order to stop the bones from rubbing since
the acl is torn), then use a bone plate and screws to
hold the bone in place. can you say ouch? the amazing
thing is they allow dogs to actually walk on that
leg!! that means he's walking on a broken bone,
which is why his activity level is so restricted.
the vet said that dogs are powerhouse healers, and
that's why they allow them to weightbear on the leg
if they want to, and why this surgery is not done
in people.
charlie is on strict cage rest for 4 weeks, then
5 minute leash walks the next 4 weeks after that.
we go to the vet here in des moines for staple
removal in 7-10 days then, we go back to isu for
xrays in 6-8 weeks, then they will adjust his
activity level. basically, he can't run, jump,
or be off the short leash for about 12 weeks.
it will be a quiet 3 months around here!
to add insult to injury, his leg is shaved
from his hip all the way down to his foot.
that bare little chicken leg sure gets cold
outside! we have to put a towel under his
belly like a sling to help him walk outside
to go to the bathroom, but then still keep
the leash tight so he doesn't try to walk too
far. it's kind of a circus. i can tell
charlie is starting to feel better, since he
is starting to get more stubborn on the leash.
it will be a long 12 weeks for mr independent!!
i sent a few pics of the chicken leg for your
viewing pleasure. i hope his hair grows back fast
since january in iowa is not the warmest month
outdoors! i will keep everyone updated! :-)cm
Posted by
1/15/2008 08:06:00 AM
Category: Family, Such is Life...
Well, I've finished the PHP stats script. Yay!
Here's a video of the final version:
It still just grabs one team's stats at a time. I thought about trying to automate the gathering of an entire conference at a time, but decided against it. Due to the uncertainties of the (sometimes) unreliable internet, there really needs to be user confirmation of the stats along the way so garbage doesn't get inserted into the database. Screen scraping for information is not always 100% reliable, unfortunately.
It was a bit of a learning process -- dependent form elements, passing arrays between forms, etc., but I finally got it figured out. And I learned a few tricks on the way.
It's definitely not optimized, and probably a little slow, frankly. I'm sure if an experienced programmer looked at my code, they'd probably cringe or roll on the floor laughing (or maybe both). But you know works, and that's all I care about. All-in-all, I like the way it turned out.
Now...on to the database connectivity inside the executable! Oh joy!
Posted by
1/01/2008 11:31:00 PM
Category: Programming, Technology, The Interweb